Hillary suspended her campaign today to a much weaker opponent in Barack "The Boy Blunder" Obama. But I think she is biding her time figuring Obama is due to implode. Obama must have a boneyard full of skeletons in his closet. Rumors abound about the Michelle Obama "Whitey" tape/video. Of course the main stream media is in love with Obama. They've made excuses for Obama's pastor, church, connection to terrorists, and slumlords.
Normal things that would derail most candidates, bounce right off the Boy Blunder. At the same time the media has unfairly pounded Hillary, which was brought to light by a Saturday Night Live skit. ABC actually tried to question Barack's associations, then all his whiny, spoiled supporters cried foul. Don't question our messiah, our hope... he's for change. Yeah right.
This is a man that if elected would be the most unqualified President in modern times. He was an absentee Illinois state Senator. He did virtually nothing before that. And now he has spent the majority of his time as US Senator running for President.
This whole primary season was not supposed to be about race. However that is all it has been about. The only reason why Obama has "won" the Democrat nomination for President is because he is black. I wouldn't care if my President had spots, just as long as he/she had the character and experience to lead. Dr. Martin Luther King, a Republican, would certainly see through the Obama facade, if Dr. King were alive today.
Hillary supporters got screwed. As James Carville said, "If Hillary gave Obama one of her balls, they'd both have two." Hillary is certainly the better choice over Obama. She was right on the Iraq war. No war is easy, but we are now winning as in kicking ass in Iraq. Obama is so overtly Marxist that he would never have the guts to defend America properly. He'd talk to known terrorists without preconditions.
We fully support those Hillary supporters that would vote for McCain. A McCain Presidency will be far better than an Obama one. And giving McCain's age, Hillary can unite the Democratic party in 2012.
We will also do all we can to bring to light the fraud that is Barack Hussein Obama.
Why Liberals Suck Reason 1
16 years ago