Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Marxist Obama and His Terrorist Friends

Here is nice little video to remind you of Obama's deep connection to the terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn. Won't it be nice when these slime walk around in the White House after Obama is elected? These two people who hate America and who are now part of the liberal bourgoussie elite of Chicago, reaping the benefits of America?

Isn't hope and change wonderful?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The 1960's Radical Marxists Behind Obama's Campaign

Almost every Marxist from the 1960's has been reborn supporting the Obama campaign. Obama is now in the middle of lying to the public in pretending to move more centrist. Don't believe it.

From the City Journal:

Backing a major-party candidate for president would have been anathema to Michael Klonsky 40 summers ago, when the organization he led, Students for a Democratic Society, urged young people to spurn elections. “By ’68, our line was ‘Vote in the Streets,’” Klonsky told me last spring.

Klonsky, whose disgust for mainstream politics led him to launch a new, Maoist Communist Party in the 1970s, today supports Barack Obama so enthusiastically that until recently he was blogging on the Illinois senator’s campaign website.

Here is the entire article

Monday, June 30, 2008

Wesley Clark Trashes McCain's Military Service for Obama*

Wesley Clark is one the most unscrupulous military leaders in the history of the United States. This from guy like Clark who was relieved of his NATO command due to incompetence.

Retired Gen. Wesley Clark, a key military adviser for Barack Obama, dismissed John McCain’s war record as a qualification for readiness to be president.

Appearing on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Clark downplayed the plane crash that led to McCain’s captivity during the Vietnam War, and said the squadron McCain commanded “wasn’t a wartime squadron.”

"He has been a voice on the Senate Armed Services Committee. And he has traveled all over the world. But he hasn’t held executive responsibility,” Clark said.

Let's add that up folks.

McCain: Squadron leader during Vietnam war, POW for 5 1/2, Senate Armed Services committee, traveled the world etc. etc., 25 years of service in the House and Senate.

Obama: Community Activist, Illinois state Senator for 6 years, Absentee US Congressman because he started running for President shortly after winning a senate seat.

Gee who would be more capable in foreign policy and military matters?

Anyway here is the detestable Wesley Clark on Face the Nation June 29, 2008:

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Obama Supporters Take His Middle Name as Their Own

You can't make this stuff up. Our great American brainwashing er ah education system at work.

Obama Supporters Take His Middle Name as Their Own

The result is a group of unlikely-sounding Husseins: Jewish and Catholic, Hispanic and Asian and Italian-American, from Jaime Hussein Alvarez of Washington, D.C., to Kelly Hussein Crowley of Norman, Okla., to Sarah Beth Hussein Frumkin of Chicago.

Jeff Strabone of Brooklyn now signs credit card receipts with his newly assumed middle name, while Dan O’Maley of Washington, D.C., jiggered his e-mail account so his name would appear as “D. Hussein O’Maley.” Alex Enderle made the switch online along with several other Obama volunteers from Columbus, Ohio, and now friends greet him that way in person, too.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Marxist Obama to Impose Global World Tax on Americans

Isn't this great. On top of all the other taxes like, raising capital gains, income tax, payroll taxes, windfall profits taxes, green cap and trade taxes, higher social security taxes, Obama wants us to pay for the world's poverty to the tune of $845 billion. Oh and he's going to let the corrupt United Nations help manage the money.

Look I'm all for helping other people in other nations. That is what charities are for. Well run charities are far more efficient than the government. Imagine how much waste and corruption there will be. What do you think? I'm guess a full third of that money will get wasted through mismanagement, graft, kickbacks, dictators etc.

We cannot afford Obama's communist policies. Hat tip to this article on American Thinker.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Portrait of Marxist Obama: A Communist , Not A Democrat

Thanks to the people over at for this video detailing Obama's where he got his Marxist beliefs . Marxist Barack Obama is a Communist. He's a Communist because of his associations, his beliefs, and his mentors. Obama tries hard to sell himself as an agent for change. The trouble is that Barack Obama's belief systems will turn this country radically left. We will all become wards of the State if Obama becomes President. No more will we celebrate the life of the individual, only the collective good. Racism will get worse not better. Are food lines next?

Marxist Obama Dumps His Faux Presidental Seal

There he goes again throwing something else under that ever crowded bus. Now his fake Presidential seal goes. The list is getting longer: white grandmother, Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Trinity United Church (that he attended for 20 years), Tony Rezko, and now that cute little blue seal which looked an awful lot like the real Presidential Seal.

Copywrite infringement anyone?? Oh never mind we are talking about the almighty Obamessiah. He never does any wrong. Never mind that Obama is an empty suit. What arrogance. Come everyone let's say the Obama under the bus phrase and a 1, and a 2, and a 3... "This was not the Presidential Seal I knew."

Anyway here was the seal for those that may have forgotten:

Monday, June 23, 2008

Marxist Obama Plays the Race Card

I knew the Obamessiah would play the race card. Typical liberal democratic move. Hillary Clinton played it first. McCain has been taking the high road and refuses to play the race game. Obama puts it in play, because his base is stupid. By saying that Republicans are racist, Obama's cult following including the MSM will lap it up. Here is the Lord Our Savior Obama in Jacksonville, playing the race card.

“It is going to be very difficult for Republicans to run on their stewardship of the economy or their outstanding foreign policy,” Obama told a fundraiser in Jacksonville, Florida. “We know what kind of campaign they’re going to run. They’re going to try to make you afraid.

“They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?”

Keep lying Obama. Just keep on lying.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Marxist Obama Lies And Reject Public Financing for Campaign

Well Obama decided not to take public financing for his campaign and breaks a promise he made just a few months ago. I knew when he said he'd take public financing he was lying. With all the Obama supporter idiots, Barack can get over $250 million in donations.

Watch him lie about taking public financing

Now here he flips.

Marxist Obama Will Gut the Military and Weapons Development

Just like Bill Clinton, Obama will gut the military. Clinton's policies left us short on manpower and weapons when the war in Afghanistan and Iraq began. Obama will make it worse in a time when our enemies have gotten bolder. We need a strong defense to battle an enemy that believes in dying for its cause. We need better weapons to fight the war on terror, and we need a strong military to use those weapons to keep us safe. Mark my words. If Obama becomes President, we will see a nuclear/dirty bomb attack on the United States. Listen to Obama in his words. We will not be safe with Obama as President.

Obama will Gut the Military

Thursday, June 19, 2008

To Know Michelle Obama is to Not Like Her

Polls show that the more American's see and hear Michelle Obama, the less they like her. This LA Times poll show that out of 1,000 polled 26% think negatively about Michelle Obama while only 7% think negatively about Cindy McCain. Hopefully Michelle Obama will keep running her mouth.

Like this: Michelle Obama Not Proud to an American

Winnie The Pooh To Set Foreign Policy for Obama

I'm not kidding. Obama will be using lessons from Winnie the Pooh to set foreign policy and deal with terrorism. Will Tigger be Secretary of State? Piglet for Secretary of Defense? From the UK's Telegraph:

Richard Danzig, who served as Navy Secretary under President Clinton and is tipped to become National Security Adviser in an Obama White House, told a major foreign policy conference in Washington that the future of US strategy in the war on terrorism should follow a lesson from the pages of Winnie the Pooh, which can be shortened to: if it is causing you too much pain, try something else.

Mr Danzig told the Centre for New American Security: “Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security.”

He spelt out how American troops, spies and anti-terrorist officials could learn key lessons by understanding the desire of terrorists to emulate superheroes like Luke Skywalker, and the lust for violence of violent football fans.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Marxist Barack Obama Approves of High Gas Prices

There he goes again. Obama can't help himself. This is the greatest country in the world and he'll change it. High gas prices are actually part of the Obama marxist regime. Remember as Americans, we consume too much of the world's resources. Even though we contribute more to the world than any other country. But according to Obama and his wife, we are bad, greedy, people. We must change. We must pay more for everything. We must re-distribute wealth. In general Americans suck. Just listen to Obama.

Here is a video where Obama admits he is for high gas prices. Which mean higher food prices, less jobs, less growth. Obama is OK with turning America in to a second rate nation. That is his goal.

Marxist Obama is for Redistribution of Wealth

From the The Wall Street Journal 6-17-08:

Sen. Obama cited new economic forces to explain what appears like a return to an older-style big-government Democratic platform skeptical of market forces. "Globalization and technology and automation all weaken the position of workers," he said, and a strong government hand is needed to assure that wealth is distributed more equitably. He spoke aboard his campaign bus, where a big-screen TV was tuned to the final holes of the U.S. Open golf tournament.

I wonder if Obama will stop using his cell phone, PC, and big screen TV. Typical marxist. See Obama will redistribute your wealth but he gets to keep his.

From MSN money 6-9-08:

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama wants to raises taxes on the wealthy, but as a member of that social class, he isn't eager to fall victim himself. He has invested at least $1 million in a fund that yields tax-free income.

The Illinois senator's latest campaign-finance disclosure shows that his investments have nearly tripled in the past two years to as much as $7.4 million, and his income in 2007 surged past $4 million, not counting his government salary.

Obama reported accounts with Morgan Chase Private Client Asset Management, an elite firm that deals only with the rich, as well as a host of retirement accounts, some in the name of his wife, Michelle.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Obama is Gaffetastic

Every day it seems Obama can't articulate his ideas. This when we started calling him the Boy Blunder. He can't think on his feet. How come the MSM isn't all over this? He makes Bush seems like a master orator. If the Obamessiah can't go off script, can you imagine him handling foreign leaders or God forbid an emergency.

We don't make this stuff up. And we don't edit. Makes you wonder about the dim bulbs that faint in his presence. Be afraid. Be very afraid. He's not Jimmy Carter part II, he's much worse.

Mumble and Stumble


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Obama May Not Be a US Citizen: Update the Obamessiah Finally Releases Birth Certificate

Obama may not be a US citizen. His campaign refuses to release his birth certificate. The National Review online explores the buzz around the web.

What ever the case, one has to think Obama is hiding something by not releasing it. With all the skeletons piling up, could this finally be the smoking gun. You know Hillary isn't going away. The Clinton's are either digging for the dagger to end the Obama campaign or they have it already and are just waiting for the right time.

Update: The big dummy finally released his birth certificate. It show that he was born in Hawaii.

We must stay vigilant and keep after this Marxist fraud. There's plenty of skeletons in the Obama closet. Just look at all the people ol' Barry has thrown under the bus.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Evidence Makes It Clear Obama is Unqualified

How many times do we have to say that Obama is unqualified. He lacks in experience, judgment, and skills to be President. Who knew that the Presidency was an affirmative action job? Obama is clearly out of touch.

Below are some RNC videos that depict the real Obama. The Obama that the mainstream media refuses to explore.

Obama's Light Resume

Other Leading Democrats Know Obama's Unqualified

Obama's Empty Rhetoric

Obama's Tax Policies Would Damage the Middle Class He Pretends to Care About

Obama is a Poor Judge of Character

Obama Doesn't Support the Second Amendment

Obama Will Not Prevent Future Terrorist Attacks Against the United States

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Is Hillary Waiting for the Other Shoe To Drop on Obama

Hillary suspended her campaign today to a much weaker opponent in Barack "The Boy Blunder" Obama. But I think she is biding her time figuring Obama is due to implode. Obama must have a boneyard full of skeletons in his closet. Rumors abound about the Michelle Obama "Whitey" tape/video. Of course the main stream media is in love with Obama. They've made excuses for Obama's pastor, church, connection to terrorists, and slumlords.

Normal things that would derail most candidates, bounce right off the Boy Blunder. At the same time the media has unfairly pounded Hillary, which was brought to light by a Saturday Night Live skit. ABC actually tried to question Barack's associations, then all his whiny, spoiled supporters cried foul. Don't question our messiah, our hope... he's for change. Yeah right.

This is a man that if elected would be the most unqualified President in modern times. He was an absentee Illinois state Senator. He did virtually nothing before that. And now he has spent the majority of his time as US Senator running for President.

This whole primary season was not supposed to be about race. However that is all it has been about. The only reason why Obama has "won" the Democrat nomination for President is because he is black. I wouldn't care if my President had spots, just as long as he/she had the character and experience to lead. Dr. Martin Luther King, a Republican, would certainly see through the Obama facade, if Dr. King were alive today.

Hillary supporters got screwed. As James Carville said, "If Hillary gave Obama one of her balls, they'd both have two." Hillary is certainly the better choice over Obama. She was right on the Iraq war. No war is easy, but we are now winning as in kicking ass in Iraq. Obama is so overtly Marxist that he would never have the guts to defend America properly. He'd talk to known terrorists without preconditions.

We fully support those Hillary supporters that would vote for McCain. A McCain Presidency will be far better than an Obama one. And giving McCain's age, Hillary can unite the Democratic party in 2012.

We will also do all we can to bring to light the fraud that is Barack Hussein Obama.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Obama's Friends - A Lesson in Bad Judgment

A little parody about Barack Obama's friends from the gang at The Nose on Your Face. A mini-lesson in bad judgment.

Obama Supports Terrorism - Raises Money Palestinians

More Obama lies. He lied to that Jewish group about his support of Israel. He'll say anything to get elected by hiding his true beliefs. Here is an article from Worldnet Daily detailing his support of Hamas. Here are some excerpts:

But in the 1990s Obama was a speaker at events in Chicago's large Palestinian immigrant community to raise funds for U.N. camps for the so-called Palestinian refugees.

Ali Abunimah, a Chicago-based Palestinian-American activist and co-founder of Electronic Intifada, a pro-Palestinian online publication, recalls introducing Obama at one such event, a 1999 fundraiser for the Deheisha Palestinian camp in the West Bank.

Abunimah is also a harsh critic of Israel and has protested outside pro-Israel events in the Chicago area.

"I knew Barack Obama for many years as my state senator – when he used to attend events in the Palestinian community in Chicago all the time," stated Abuminah during an interview last month with Democracy Now!, a nationally syndicated radio and television political program.

"I remember personally introducing [Obama] onstage in 1999, when we had a major community fundraiser for the community center in Deheisha refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. And that's just one example of how Barack Obama used to be very comfortable speaking up for and being associated with Palestinian rights and opposing the Israeli occupation," Abunimah said.

Abunimah also was recently quoted saying that until a few years ago, Obama was "quite frank that the U.S. needed to be more evenhanded, that it leaned too much toward Israel."

Abunimah noted Obama's unusual stance toward Israel, commenting "these were the kind of statements I'd never heard from a U.S. politician who seemed like he was going somewhere, rather than at the end of his career."

Abunimah previously described meeting with Obama at a fundraiser at the home of Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi, reportedly a former PLO activist.

"[Obama]came with his wife. That's where I had a chance to really talk to him," Abunimah recalled. "It was an intimate setting. He convinced me he was very aware of the issues [and] critical of U.S. bias toward Israel and lack of sensitivity to Arabs. ... He was very supportive of U.S. pressure on Israel.

According to quotes obtained by Gulf News, Abunimah recalled a 2004 meeting in a Chicago neighborhood while Obama was running for his Senate seat. Abunimah quoted Obama telling him "warmly" he was sorry that "I haven't said more about Palestine right now, but we are in a tough primary race."

"I'm hoping when things calm down, I can be more up front," Abunimah reportedly quoted the senator as saying.

Abunimah said Obama urged him to "keep up the good work" at the Chicago Tribune, where Abunimah contributed guest columns that were highly critical of Israel.

Obama's campaign headquarters did not reply to an e-mail request seeking comment on his fundraising activities for Palestinians.

Abunimah serves on the board of the Arab American Action Network, or AAAN, a controversial Arab group that mourns the establishment of Israel as a "catastrophe" and supports intense immigration reform, including providing driver's licenses and education to illegal aliens.

WND reported yesterday the Woods Fund, a Chicago-based nonprofit on which Obama served as a paid director alongside a confessed domestic terrorist, provided $75,000 in grants to the AAAN.

Obama's 1999 fundraising for the Palestinian Deheisha camp raised the eyebrows of one senior Israeli security official who was contacted yesterday for comment on the issue. The official, who was not aware of Obama's fundraising, noted Deheisha, which is located near the city of Bethlehem, had a "very active" Palestinian terror apparatus in 1999, carrying out scores of deadly shootings against Israeli civilians that year.

Two of the most deadly suicide bombings in 2002 also were planned from Deheisha, where the suicide bombers originated, said the security official. On one such bombing, in March of that year, 11 people were killed and over 50 injured, four critically when a Deheisha bomber detonated his explosives next to a group of Jewish women waiting with their baby carriages for their husbands to leave a nearby synagogue.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Obama the naive

Here is a great piece by John Bolton, the former US Ambassador to the UN. He details in the LA Times why Obama is not qualified to run this country. Below are some excerpts:

Barack Obama's willingness to meet with the leaders of rogue states such as Iran and North Korea "without preconditions" is a naive and dangerous approach to dealing with the hard men who run pariah states. It will be an important and legitimate issue for policy debate during the remainder of the presidential campaign.

Consider his facile observations about President Kennedy's first meeting with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, in Vienna in 1961. Obama saw it as a meeting that helped win the Cold War, when in fact it was an embarrassment for the American side. The inexperienced Kennedy performed so poorly that Khrushchev may well have been encouraged to position Soviet missiles in Cuba in 1962, thus precipitating one of the Cold War's most dangerous crises.

Such realities should cause Obama to become more circumspect, minimizing his off-the-cuff observations about history, grand strategy and diplomacy. In fact, he has done exactly the opposite, exhibiting so many gaps in his knowledge and understanding of world affairs that they have not yet received the attention they deserve. He consistently reveals failings in foreign policy that are far more serious than even his critics had previously imagined.

Consider the following statement, which was lost in the controversy over his comments about negotiations: "Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, these countries are tiny compared to the Soviet Union. They don't pose a serious threat to us the way the Soviet Union posed a threat to us. ... Iran, they spend 1/100th of what we spend on the military. If Iran ever tried to pose a serious threat to us, they wouldn't stand a chance."

Let's dissect this comment. Obama is correct that the rogue states he names do not present the same magnitude of threat as that posed by the Soviet Union through the possibility of nuclear war. Fortunately for us all, general nuclear war never took place. Nonetheless, serious surrogate struggles between the superpowers abounded because the Soviet Union's threat to the West was broader and more complex than simply the risk of nuclear war. Subversion, guerrilla warfare, sabotage and propaganda were several of the means by which this struggle was waged, and the stakes were high, even, or perhaps especially, in "tiny" countries.

In the Western Hemisphere, for example, the Soviets used Fidel Castro's Cuba to assist revolutionary activities in El Salvador and Nicaragua. In Western Europe, vigorous Moscow-directed communist parties challenged the democracies on their home turfs. In Africa, numerous regimes depended on Soviet military assistance to stay in power, threaten their neighbors or resist anti-communist opposition groups.

Both sides in the Cold War were anxious to keep these surrogate struggles from going nuclear, so the stakes were never "civilizational." But to say that these "asymmetric" threats were "tiny" would be news to those who struggled to maintain or extend freedom's reach during the Cold War.

Had Italy, for example, gone communist during the 1950s or 1960s, it would have been an inconvenient defeat for the United States but a catastrophe for the people of Italy. An "asymmetric" threat to the U.S. often is an existential threat to its friends, which was something we never forgot during the Cold War. Obama plainly seems to have entirely missed this crucial point. Ironically, it is he who is advocating a unilateralist policy, ignoring the risks and challenges to U.S. allies when the direct threat to us is, in his view, "tiny."

What is implicit in Obama's reference to "tiny" threats is that they are sufficiently insignificant that negotiations alone can resolve them. Indeed, he has gone even further, arguing that the lack of negotiations with Iran caused the threats: "And the fact that we have not talked to them means that they have been developing nuclear weapons, funding Hamas, funding Hezbollah."

This is perhaps the most breathtakingly naive statement of all, implying as it does that it is actually U.S. policy that motivates Iran rather than Iran's own perceived ambitions and interests. That would be news to the mullahs in Tehran, not to mention the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah.

It is an article of faith for Obama, and many others on the left in the U.S. and abroad, that it is the United States that is mostly responsible for the world's ills. In 1984, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Jeane Kirkpatrick labeled people with these views the "San Francisco Democrats," after the city where Walter Mondale was nominated for president.

Most famously, Kirkpatrick forever seared the San Francisco Democrats by saying that "they always blame America first" for the world's problems. In so doing, she turned the name of the pre-World War II isolationist America First movement into a stigma the Democratic Party has never shaken.

This is yet another piece of history that Obama has ignored or never learned. There may be one more piece of history worthy of attention: In 1984, Mondale went down to one of the worst electoral defeats in American political history. We will now see whether Obama follows that path as well.
Obama reminds me so much of Carter and his follies that it gives me the chills. God help us all if he is elected. We can't afford another four years like 1976-1980.

No Hope Obama's a Dope

Wow. One has to wonder about Obama's judgement. His fundraiser real estate pal Tony Rezko was found guilty on 16 of 24 counts -- 12 counts of wire and mail fraud, two counts of money laundering and two counts of aiding and abetting bribery.

Most of these associations go back almost 20 years. Rev. Jeremiah Wright (racist, anti-semite), Trinity United Church, Bill Ayers (terrorist)... I'm sure we'll find more.

Obama said, "This isn't the Tony Rezko I knew." Funny how when the crap hits the fan that Obama doesn't know these people or these organizations anymore. With the number of people he's thrown under the bus (including his white grandmother), how can he pretend to be different from the average politician. Some change. Don't drink the Obamassiah kool-aid, this emperor has no clothes.

If he is such a poor judge of character, can he be trusted to make the right decisions when it comes to Iran, Iraq, North Korea and China?

Especially when he would sit down with terrorists without preconditions. He said it himself: